Sunday, March 25, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Home sweet home.

Milwaukee: Gears and farmin' and Indians and smokestacks and stuff. Since 1846.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Prohose and coogs
I always liked Vail but the snow is almost gone. I bet they were shoveling under the lifts at base today. MV says much fog and slop on top. Vertigo city. So I am off the hook as far as going skiing is concerned. Next year I will start again, maybe.
East to Breckenridge and MLHS alum Greg G's pad. Thanks again Greg. Ron went back to his condo in town with Mike in tow. Alex, Marty and I went over there for cocktails in the hot tub and pool. Since the families at poolside became appalled at our blatant alcohol consumption and heavy use of profane language we ended up getting the facilities all to ourselves.
Out on the town we went. I managed to get way more drunk than I like, even though I was pouring my Jameson shots into my finished soup (again, I am sorry Marty, don't take it personally) instead of into my belly.
Got up early to have breakfast with Kuhl, who happened to be in Breck on vacation too. I went back to the same restaurant with everyone else later on. Columbine Cafe on Main in Breckenridge, CO - highly recommended for breakfast.
Your daughter's car

It is very cute. Fire engine red and two little doors and a tiny motor that goes vroom-vroom: any small-town 16-year-old girl would be proud as hell to own this thing. I really miss the Monte right now, the extra two cylinders would be handy.
Very good scenery all around. We follow the railroad tracks we are supposed to be taking, but are ahead of train #6 by several hundred miles in a couple hours.
No CD's and no charger for the laptop mean no tunes. Should have replaced my wrecked iPod instead of blowing the money Weber gave me on whoknowswhat. It's pretty much just AM radio for awhile, and only Rush Limbaugh at that. Haven't listened to him in years. He still isn't doing conservatives any favors.
Trestles, trenches, and travesty: Last stop - Salt Lake City, UT
We detrained early at Salt Lake City, precisely 6AM, and hopped in a cab to the airport.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Trestles, trenches, and travesty: Stop #3 - Winnemucca, NV

Trestles, trenches, and travesty: Stop #2 - Reno, NV
The California Zephyr, #6, at Roseville, CA.
Trestles, trenches, and travesty: Stop #1 - Roseville, CA
Spirits are high in spite of the detour.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Sunny California
We helped this Joe guy pick up his new Harley at the dealer - Al had to shuttle it over to his house because Joe doesn't have an endorsement. We saw Joe riding around the next day, excitement got to him. Cops pulled him over and ticketed him for no helmet. Let him go for no insurance or license since they were just as excited for him.
The house was nice, just Alex and his friend Jen whom I've met in the past out there. Shot the shit over beers outside on the patio, played with her cats, did laundry, and wasted the day away.
Go '90.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Hi-ball through the hills: Last stop - Martinez, CA
It was about 70 degrees and sunny when I stepped off. A short two block walk to coffee and an outdoor patio to drink it on. I nabbed a Wi-Fi signal from the library down the street. Tried to go to the library when my battery was dying but it didn't open until noon. No one in CA gets up before noon unless they have to work so I suppose that's why it's closed mornings.
Al was delayed in picking me up so I went to McDonald's for breakfast and to get a power outlet for my laptop. I am ashamed and embarrassed that I ate there but no one makes breakfast sausage like Mickey D's.
Hi-ball through the hills: Stop #3 - Sacramento, CA
Fred, our attendant, dropped off a copy of the Bee this morning. Front page: Union Pacific railroad trestle through town is burning down as we speak. That's what the smoke was from.

Thursday, March 15, 2007
Hi-ball through the hills: Stop #2 - Klamath Falls, OR
While the sleeper accommodations are nice... it was very nice being able to sleep in a bed... I missed the environment of coach class and the people in it.
Hi-ball through the hills: Stop #1 - Portland, OR

March 15, 2007 12:30pm
"Hi-ball" is the go-ahead that the conductor gives the engineer to get the train moving. Think it has something to do with the old semaphore style signals that were changed out when Edison invented the light bulb. Not sure, read a lot of railroad stuff lately.
Train #11, the Coast Starlight, has an additional bi-level lounge car for first-class passengers: The Pacific Parlour. These lounges were built in the early 50's and were inherited by Amtrak when they took over in 1971. They are well kept and are quite fancy by Amtrak standards. We were greeted with a rolls, coffee and juice when I boarded in Seattle.
We arrived in Portland roughly on time.