Instead of taking the opportunity to settle in a warm and prosperous climate like California, Arizona, or Florida, our great-grandparents decided that the upper Midwest was the end-all beat-all to live their lives. I guess it reminded them of the homeland:
Ole: "Dis looks yust like ta fields oudside Oss-lo back home to Norway, dont-cha-no!"
Lena: "Yaa der hey."
Thanks O&L. Good move.
The cold and wet slop that rained down apparently once-again knocked the sign out at the Milwaukee Public Market. BVL told me that it was displaying Pubic Market like it did for a short time last summer. By the time I saw it all the other letters had issues but PUB IC still worked. Pretty low-brow for a laugh... just my style.
What's with all the hold-ups at the bars around here lately? Pizza Man and Redroom got hit, and some bar in Cudahy. All of my ammo is over a decade old, and I shouldn't have to pack heat anyways - we have plenty o' cops around. Remember a couple summers ago when T got mugged near Jamo, some other young woman got raped, my friend got robbed in front of my place on Warren, and then my girl got her purse snatched at the Ogden Pick & Save? They clamped down around these parts big-time. Now it's MPD business as usual - won't even cite drivers on Brady for turning on a red or running down pedestrians (two things I've recently witnessed).
Fingers are cold. Maybe since it's Friday I will treat myself to a 66 setting on the thermostat instead of the 50-degree default.
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