On a positive note things are moving forward with work, it is way too easy to get into a funk in the IT business. I'll be working out of some really cool space when I get back, and having other humans to talk to regularly is a plus - the animals that live here are sick of my stories and ideas. They need the tech oversight, and I get to run with my 'Plan A' instead of plans 'B' through 'H'. It's a good deal for all and came out of nowhere... a lot like other good things in life.
Our foul-ass winter will soon be gone, when I get back it will officially be springtime... so shake the mothballs out of your shorts. Ahhh. The filthy 3M plastic that covers every window in this corn-bin of a house can come down. The eighty pounds of rock salt that's been tracked into the front room can be hauled out. And how nice it will be to wear shoes that don't look like I stepped in acid. Spring, then summer is here. Boats and tans, and other outside stuff to do that I am tooexcitedtowriteabout. Wow, doing stuff outside. Remember?
Here is a rather uninspiring picture of Amtrak #8 leaving Milwaukee station that someone took a couple days ago. It's got that obnoxious THIS IS HAACKS FURNITURE ---> building decaying away in the background. That thing is awful, just awful. All those freakin' arrows.
So smug you were, Haack Building. "Look how important I am with my <-- FREE PARKING and STORE ENTRANCE --> prominently displayed." "Here is where my SHIPPING DOCKS. are, to receive cheap wicker junk from around the globe that we sell DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC." Well, Building, from the looks of it you went belly-up when "The Milwaukee Road" still ran that train over there. How humiliating for you. I don't care if you have historical significance or not - you make me ill when I see you. And others I have spoken to also become sickened in your presence. Please tear yourself down immediately for the good of the city. I think I made my point.
Okay then. Bye now.
Outside with 'liquid' water
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