You can make a really cool telephone out of materials you have around the house. Ask your Mom for two empty soup cans and tape from the kitchen, and ask Dad for a long piece of fishing line from his tackle-box.
- Step 1: Have Dad punch a small hole in the bottom of both cans.
- Step 2: Put the end of the fishing line through the hole in each can.
- Step 3: Tape the fishing line to the inside bottom of the can.
The audio quality of my loaner phone from US Cellular is below that of the telephone you just made. The gremlins got to my half-burned-out Motorola and smoked it while I was in the shower yesterday morning. Ever since I have been saddled with a very chintzy Kyocera, the kind on the pegboard at Walmart that has some street punk wearing baggy pants printed on the box. I just called my step dad to wish him a happy 60th and he asked "to whom he was speaking to" about five minutes in. Lemme tell ya something: That's awkward. It has worse sound effects than a Super Nintendo can generate. Battery life: about 3 hours. I am told I will get a "RAZR" when I send the fried one back to insurance. I don't want to be cool enough to carry a RAZR. Sigh.
Why can't they make a cellular phone that just makes calls that complete and stay connected? With regular phone buttons, send, and end. I'll admit - the Caller ID has to stay. I don't need a camera or sports scores or stock tips or a ringer by The Black Eyed Peas. I want the damn charger plug to stay in it, and I don't want to have to use it on speakerphone for the last six months of its life while I wait for my contract to expire to get a replacement. Make it black and small so it fits in my pocket. Now I am certainly not an EE but it seems to me that if you take out the guts that comprise the camera, Internet, and ring tone processor there will be more room for actual telephone internal-organs and the calls wont drop so often.
I am not real bright with these here computers yet, and dat whole Innernet ting. Anyways, now I fixed it so you can post here without signing up for an account on blogspot. Be nice.
Yay, I leave tomorrow.

Western Electric 514 "touch-tone" Telephone
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